Par Michaël Thevenin, disponible sur le site Kurdistan-photolibrary:


Kurdistan-photolibrary est une photothèque dédiée au Kurdistan et au peuple kurde. Notre objectif est d'archiver et de préserver pour les générations actuelles et futures une collection photographique en constante expansion qui représente le pays et le peuple du Kurdistan, ce qui constitue la plus grande ressource consultable de ce type.


Kurdistan-photolibrary is a picture library dedicated to Kurdistan and the Kurdish people. The Photolibrary of Kurdistan was established in 2008 and was based in Iraqi Kurdistan's Hawler City ( Erbil ). It is a digital library dedicated exclusively to photographs of Kurdistan and the Kurdish people, in Kurdistan and around the world. Our goal is to archive and preserve for current and future generations a continually expanding photographic collection that depicts the country and people of Kurdistan, resulting in the largest searchable resource of its kind.

Our rich collection of images are gathered from various regions where Kurdish communities are located, and obtained worldwide from public collections, private donors, photo agencies and contributing photographers. The collection spans a broad period and covers diverse subject areas that include :

Politics (Personalities, Institutions, Events)

Economy (Agriculture, Industry, Services)

Society (People, Religion, Activities, Migration)

Geography (Country, Regions, Towns)


Website by Chris Kutchera.

Managed and hosted by the Centre for Kurdish Studies, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (Exeter University).