
Atelier doctoral - Retour de terrain : Des entrepreneurs turcs en Ethiopie, réseaux d'affaire et de politique étrangère

13/02/2025 10:00 am
Atelier doctoral - Retour de terrain : Des entrepreneurs turcs en Ethiopie, réseaux d'affaire et de politique étrangère

En français

Atelier réservé aux chercheurs et chercheurs associés de l'IFEA

Elisa Domingues Dossantos (Université catholique de Lille) présentera sa thèse : " Retour de terrain : Des entrepreneurs turcs en Ethiopie, réseaux d'affaire et de politique étrangère".


Atelier compétence - Publier dans des revues académiques

13/02/2025 1:30 pm -3:30 pm
Atelier compétence - Publier dans des revues académiques
En français
En présentiel, en salle Louis Robert

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Seminer - Emotional Landscapes Through Turkey’s Past and Present

13/02/2025 6:00 pm
Seminer - Emotional Landscapes Through Turkey’s Past and Present

Sunum dili Türkçedir


Kayıt için tıklayınız


Organizasyon: Şeyma Afacan (Kırklareli Üniversitesi / IFEA)


Nagehan Tokdoğan (Münster Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Enstitüsü'nde Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı) - Yeni Osmanlıcılık: Hınç, Nostalji, Narsisizm


Bu sunum, Türkiye’de Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin (AKP) 20 yılı aşkın süredir yürüttüğü duygu siyasetini Yeni Osmanlıcı milli kimlik anlatısı ekseninde inceliyor. Duygu siyasetinin, hem yeni bir milli ruh hali yaratmak, hem de Erdoğan’ın iktidarını sürdürmek için nasıl işlediğine odaklanıyor. Milli anlatılar, sembolik siyaset ve duygu siyaseti arasındaki etkileşimleri analiz ediyor ve bu etkileşimlerin AKP ve Erdoğan’ın yirmi yılı aşkın süredir aldığı halk desteğinin önemli sacayaklarından biri olduğunu iddia ediyor.


Seminar Series - Cappadocia Making: Between Territories and Landscapes of Güzelyurt, Sivrihisar, Akyamaç and Their Surroundings

18/02/2025 6:00 pm
Zoom meeting
Seminar Series - Cappadocia Making: Between Territories and Landscapes of Güzelyurt, Sivrihisar, Akyamaç and Their Surroundings

In English

Registration Online

Anne-Hélène JOULIA, UNS Ulm / EPHE -  A mystery in the landscape? New perspectives on the study of Kızıl Kilise

Anne-Hélène Joulia is a student at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes where she is in her first year of a Master's degree in Archaeology and Art History. In early 2024, she did a research internship within the Archaeology department of the IFEA, where she contributed to the study project on the Kızıl Kilise, the Red Church of Güzelyurt. She is currently continuing the research initiated at the IFEA as part of her Master's thesis, which focuses on the building techniques of masonry churches in Byzantine Cappadocia. 

The distinction between territory and landscape is clearly defined in the European Landscape Convention (STE 76), which addresses territory by including a dimension of landscape. According to this convention, "Landscape" refers to a part of territory as perceived by populations, the character of which results from the action of natural and/or human factors and their interrelations.
Within the humanities, the approach to territory and landscapes remains delicate, as the vocabulary used in each discipline carries distinct meanings. An intriguing example is that of the term Cappadocia, which, although widely accepted in scientific and public literature, lacks a fixed definition. Indeed, when we speak of Cappadocia, what exactly are we referring to? Despite Guillaume de Jerphanion's invention of this Byzantine region serving as a demonstration, the question of defining Cappadocia continues to permeate Cappadocian studies (Planhol 1981; Métivier 2005; Lamesa 2016). Why? Because the Cappadocian territories and landscapes over the long term remain elusive.
It should be noted that Cappadocia, studied by researchers working on Medieval period inspired by Jerphanion's work, stretches from Aksaray to Niğde and from Kayseri to Nevşehir; however, should we not speak of Cappadocias in the plural to account for the history of this central Anatolian area, known geologically as CAVP (Central Anatolian Volcanic Province), situated between two faults: Tüz Gölü and Ecemiş (Çiner et al. 2012). Successively a satrapy, kingdom, province, eparchy(ies), this territory with fluctuating borders (Lamesa 2021), sometimes divided or associated with other administrative structures, only recently acquired administrative reality in the centennial Turkish Republic (Law 7174, 2019).
Building upon the interdisciplinary seminar "Cappadocia: Land of History and Cultures" held at the IFEA between 2011 and 2012, led by Anaïs Lamesa, Aude Aylin de Tapia, Lisa Deheurles-Montmayeur (introductory seminar: DOI: 10.60527/wjhr-z883), we aim to explore Cappadocian landscapes, this time focusing on a specific area: the Güzelyurt, Sivrihisar, and Akyamaç area (Aksaray region). Our objective is to initiate a dialogue across various disciplines, starting from this zone to deepen understanding of Cappadocian landscapes and highlight the multi-memorial layers to read of its history.
Each talk will last approximately 40 minutes, then public will engage with the presenters in a 15–20-minute dialogue.
This monthly seminar, conducted online, is co-organized by the French Institute of Anatolian Studies, Nevşehir Haci Bektaş Veli University, the Laboratory of Rhetorical Studies, and Kapadokya University. It will commence in November 2024 and consist of seven sessions. Presentations will be delivered in Turkish or English. Anaïs Lamesa (Edinburgh University and IFEA), Ayşe Budak (Nevşehir Haci Bektaş Veli University), Grégoire Sommer (Laboratory of Rhetorical Studies and IFEA), and Idil Üçbaşaran are the co-organizers of this seminar.

28 January 2025: Grégoire Sommer: Construction of landscapes: the rhetoric of Gregory of Nazianzus (in English)
18 February 2025: Anne-Hélène Joulia : A mystery in the landscape? New perspectives on the study of Kizil Kilise (in English)
18 March 2025: Ayşe Budak: Ottoman landscape mosques (in Turkish)
15 April 2025: On-site (Güzelyurt) : workshop with Sacıt Pekak, Gamze Uray and Stefo Benlisoy (in Turkish)
Sacit Pekak: Immovable cultural heritage from Gelveri to Güzelyurt
Gamze Uray: Evaluation of the stone ornaments seen in the architectural structures of Güzelyurt in terms of the relationship between religion and art
Stefo Benlisoy: The historical evolution of the Orthodox communities of Gelveri (Güzelyurt) and Aksaray during the late Ottoman period
20 May 2025: Aylin De Tapia: Ottoman-Greek-Orthodox monuments in the cultural heritage of Turkey. Conversion, reappropriation, disintegration. Cappadocia as a case study (in English)
24 June 2025: Idil Üçbaşaran: Tourism geography and landscape apprehension: the example of Güzelyurt (in English)


Atelier des historiens - Une publication iranienne en persan et turc afshar : le journal Faryâd d'Ourmia (1907)

19/02/2025 10:30 am -12:30 pm
Atelier des historiens - Une publication iranienne en persan et turc afshar : le journal Faryâd d'Ourmia (1907)

En français

En hybride
Inscription en présentiel (date limite d'inscription: 17/02 à 14h)
Inscription en ligne


Charles Ganier (ANAMED) -  Une publication iranienne en persan et turc afshar : le journal Faryâd d'Ourmia (1907)


Premier journal en persan de la ville d'Ourmia [Azerbaïdjan de l'ouest, Iran], le journal Faryâd [La Clameur] est aussi, par des pages dédiées, son premier journal en langue turque, du dialecte local dit "Turc Afshar", du nom de la principale tribu turque chiite de la région. Publié au cours de l'année 1907 - entre février et novembre, avant de fermer du fait de la pression de religieux opposés à ce journal - dans l'effervescence des premières victoires de la Révolution Constitutionnelle d'Iran [1905-1911] qui voit, dans les principales villes de province, des "anjomans" [conseils] se constituer pour prendre en main les affaires politiques locales, la lecture des exemplaires du journal Faryâd qui nous sont parvenus nous permet de mieux comprendre la singularité du mouvement constitutionnel dans les villes d'Azerbaïdjan, a fortiori dans ses périphéries. Dans le cas spécifique d'Ourmia, un journal bilingue comme celui-ci permet, pareillement, de voir les particularités de la politisation des Afshars de la région au cours de la révolution, et leur relation avec les courants politiques contestataires de la province iranienne d'Azerbaïdjan, et notamment de Tabriz.




Présentation d'ouvrage - Reverberations : Violence Across Time and Space. The Ethnography of Political Violence (University of pennsylvania Press, 2021)

25/02/2025 10:30 am
Présentation d'ouvrage - Reverberations : Violence Across Time and Space. The Ethnography of Political Violence (University of pennsylvania Press, 2021)
Interventions en anglais
En hybride

Inscription (date limite d'inscription: 21/02 à 14h)

Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du séminaire conjoint Cetobac (EHESS) - IFEA "Sociologie politique de la Turquie contemporaine: approches spatiales" organisé par l'OVIPOT du pôle contemporain.
Organisateurs: Yohanan Benhaïm (IFEA), Claire Visier (IFEA), Lucie Drechselova (EHESS), Emmanuel Szurek (EHESS), Élise Massicard (Sciences Po-CERI).

Seda Altuğ (Boğaziçi University), Alice von Bieberstein (univ. Humboldt), Zerrin Özlem Biner (Koç University) et Yael Navarro (univ. de Cambridge). Présentation de l’ouvrage Reverberations: Violence Across Time and Space. The Ethnography of Political Violence (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021).

Responsable de la séance: Emmanuel Szurek (EHESS)

Discussion: Emmanuel Szurek (EHESS) & Verda Kimyonok (EHESS)


Film screening and debate - Hatay 5-15 Şubat 2024

25/02/2025 5:30 pm -8:00 pm
Film screening and debate - Hatay 5-15 Şubat 2024

In English
In-person event
To register, please click on the blue "Inscription" button below.

Screening in commemoration of victims of the February 2023 earthquakes


Hatay 5-15 Şubat 2024, directing Imre Azem - VOST TR, ST ENG - 90'

Followed by a discussion with the director, and a speaker from Hatay Deprem Dayanışma association. The discussion will be in English/Turkish.

Presented by Francesco Pasta & Verda Kimyonok (IFEA)



Documentary filmmaker İmre Azem interviewed dozens of Hatay residents for the documentary “Hatay: 17-24 April 2023” in order to understand and tell the story Hatay after the devastating 6 February 2023 earthquakes. Then came the follow-up documentary “Hatay: 1-11 September 2023”. Now Azem continues this series, which acts as an archive as well, with “Hatay: 5-15 February2024” in which we visit Hatay for the third time on the anniversary of the February 6 earthquakes. We saw many things, we learned the answers to some of the questions we were curious about in the previous documentary, and some of our curiosities and question marks have grown even bigger now. All the sadness, fatigue, anger, anxiety hidden by the destruction and the foggy weather... Moreover, it is impossible for us to pretend we did not see what we saw. The daffodils we hold tightly in our hands is still at Köprübaşı bridge, impatient to reach the Asi River. “The daffodil symbolizes hope and new beginnings,” they say, “it represents the awakening of nature and points to a brand new beginning.”


Künye / Credits

Yönetmen / Director: İmre Azem

Kamera / Camera: İmre Azem

Kurgu / Editing: Mesut Ulutaş

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