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Projects in Progress
“Deporting Demos, Militarizing Natios: Forced Migration and Conflicts in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (1908-1947)”
“War, Deportation, Massacre: The demographic policy of Ottoman Government regarding the Kurds and Armenians during World War I”, in Russia’s Great War and Revolution, 1914-1922: The Centennial Reappraisal V.2, eds A. Marshall, S. Sabol, J. Steinberg.
- Crime of Numbers: The Role of Statistics in the Armenian Question, The State University of New Jersey-Rutgers, Transaction, 234 p., 2010.
- Modern Türkiye’nin Sifresi : Ittihat ve Terakki’nin Etnisite Mühendisligi 1913-1918, (Modern Turkey’s Cipher : The Ethnicity Engineering of the CUP), Istanbul, Iletisim, 2008, forthcoming English and Greek translation by greekworks.com.
- Ittihat ve Terakki’nin Müslümanlari Iskan Politikasi 1913-1918 (CUP’s Settlement Policy of the Muslims), Istanbul, Iletisim, 2001.
- Türkiye Nüfus Sayimlarinda Azinliklar (Minorities in the Turkish Census), Istanbul: Çivi, 2000. (Translated in Greek in 2003 by Infognomon).
Articles and Book Chapters
- “Pouring a People into the Desert: The “Definitive Solution” of the Unionists to the Armenian Question”, in R. Grigor Suny, F. Müge Göçek, Norman M. Naimark (eds.), A Question of Genocide, 1915: Armenians and Turks at the End of the Ottoman Empire, Oxford publication, 2011.
- “1914’te Rumlar’ın sürülmesi, Yabancı inceleme heyeti gözlemleri ve Seyrek köyünün foto hikayesi”, Toplumsal Tarih, 189 (2010), 82-86, translated and published in Greek review O Politis, 44, October, 2010, 16-17 and 27.
- “Talat Pasa’nin Evrak-i Metrukesi’ni ‘Okumak’”, Toplumsal Tarih, 189 (2010), 92- 96.
- “Ittihat ve Terraki’nin Iskan Politikasi” (The CUP’s Settlement Policy), Toplum ve Bilim, 5 (2007), 221-230.
- “The Settlement Policy of the CUP (1913-18)”, in Hans-Lukas Kieser,Turkey Beyond Nationalism - Towards Post-Nationalist Identities, London – New York : I.B. Tauris, 2006, 37-43.
- “Compter, Classer, Contrôler : Les minorités dans les Recensements Turcs” (Count, Classify, Control: The Minorities in the Turkish Census), Turcica, 37 (2005), 187-220.
- “Milli Ezber : Saf Türk – Karisik Öteki (National Recital: Pure Turks – Hybrid Other)”, Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düsünce V°4 : Milliyetçilik, Istanbul: Iletisim, 2003.
- “Ittihat ve Terakki’nin Etnisite Arastirmalari (CUP’s Ethnographic Researchs)”, Toplumsal Tarih, 16/91, June 2001, 43-50. Translated in Armenian, R. Safrastyan (ed.), Turkish and Ottoman Studies, 6 (2006), Yerevan.
- “Balkan Savasi Sonrasinda Kurulmaya Çalisilan Muhacir Köyleri”, Toplumsal Tarih, 82 (2000), 52-54.
Lectures and Conference Presentations
- “The Fate of the Disputed Territories: The Iraqi-Kurdish Case”, The Seminar on Turkey in the Modern World, Harvard University Center for Midlle Eastern Studies, April 27, 2011.
- Book Panel on my book, Crime of Numbers, Participants: Harris Mylonas (George Washington U, US), Michael Reynolds (Prof., Princeton U, US), Vangelis Kechriotis (Prof., Bogazici U, Turkey), Ceren Belge (Prof., Concordia U, Montreal) , the Association for the Study of Nationalities-2011 World Convention, Columbia University, April 14-16, 2011.
- “Imperial Design and ‘Nationalist’ Claims in the Middle East; From Lebanon to Mosul Questions (1841-1925)”, the Association for the Study of Nationalities-2011 World Convention, Columbia University, April 14-16, 2011.
- “Referendum in Kirkuk, Ethnocracy in Iraq: The Role of Statistics in Iraqi-Kurdish Nationalism”, MESA Conference 2010, San Diego CA, November 18, 2010.
- “Mapping, Counting, Graphing: The Young Turks' Turkification Policy 1913-1918”, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies (CMENAS), University of Michigan, November 10, 2010.
- “The Kurdishness periphery of Turkish nationalism, Rediscussing the Nationalism of Ziya Gokalp”, MESA Conference 2009, Boston, November 24, 2009.
- "How can measure the massacre : the Adana case", Adana 1909: History, Memory, and Identity from a Hundred Year Perspective, Sabanci University Istanbul, November 6-7, 2009.
- "From "People of the Book' to 'People of Numbers' : The role of statistics in the Nationalism in the Ottoman Empire", Seminars in Social Sciences and Humanities, Koç University, Istanbul, November 5, 2009.
- “The Last Thirty Years Of The Kurdish Question In Turkey Through Abdulah Ocalan's Biography”, Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies (CMENAS), University of Michigan, October 26, 2009.
- “The Role of Statistics in the Nationalist Movements in the Ottoman Empire”, the Association for the Study of Nationalities-2009 World Convention, Columbia University, April 23-25, 2009.
- “Diplomacy of Statistics: Discussing the Number of Armenians During Diplomatic Negotiations (1878-1914)", International Conference on Armenia And Armenians in International Treaties, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 18-21, 2009.
- “Instruments of Power during the Medz Yeghern (Big Holocaust) of Ottoman Armenians : Map, Census, Telegram and Photograph”, lecture in University of Michigan-Armenian Studies Programme, November 19, 2009.
- “To Count identity: History of Statistics in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey”, Historical Demography Laboratory, The University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR), December 5, 2008.
- “Milli Ibrahim Pasha and Ziya Gökalp in Diyarbekir, 1908: clash of political cultures and visions? ”, Turkey 1908-1914: Biographical approaches, University of Zurich, Department of History and Department of Oriental Studies, November 13-15, 2008.
- “From Exclusion to Confinement: The Demographic Policy of CUP regarding the Rum (Ottoman Greeks)”, International Conference The Mediterranean And Its Seas, The University of Minnesota, September 25-27, 2008.
- “The Definition of Kurdism as an ‘Issue’”, lecture in the Osmanli Bankasi, Istanbul, February 16, 2008.
- “The Struggle for Diyarbekir between Milli Ibrahim Pasha and Ziya Gökalp”, WATS Workshop, Geneva, February 28-March 1, 2008.
- “Ethnic Engineering of the Committee of Union and Progress and the Turkification of Anatolia, 1913-1918”, Lecture in Minnesota University, September 11, 2007.
- “L’ingénierie Démographique et l’Immigration dans l’Empire Ottoman”, Lecture at IFEA (Institut Français d’Étude Anatoliennes), March 31, 2007.
- “Pouring a People into the Desert; as a Definitive Solution to the Armenian Question”, “The Boundaries of Genocide: Intentions, Histories, Peoples.”, 5. Workshop For Armenian/Turkish Scholarship (WATS), New York University, May 14-16, 2006.
- “Grecs Anatoliens et la Politique d'Installation des Populations du CUP (1913-1918)" , Grecs d'Anatolie et d'Istanbul de 1821 à 1964 : état des lieux et perspectives de la recherche, Athens, February 23 - 25, 2006.
- “Compter le Demi : les Tsiganes dans les Registres Ottomanes et les Recensements Ottomans”, Lecture in the seminar of M. Henriette Asséo, EHESS Paris, November 13, 2005.
- “Les Étrangers dans les Recensements de Population de la République de Turquie”, XIXth Congress of the AFEMAM, Strasbourg, July 7-9, 2005.
- “La Dimension Ingénierie de la Turcisation de l’Anatolie: les Cartes Ethnographiques et les Recensements”, Du Génocide des Arméniens à la Shoah: Typologie des Massacres du XXe siècle, Le Centre de Recherche Juifs, Arméniens et Chrétiens d'Orient, Montpellier University, June 7-9, 2005
- “Ittihat ve Terakki’nin Iskan Politikasi; (1913-1918)”, Imparatorlugun Çöküs; Döneminde Osmanli; Ermenileri, Bilgi University, May 24 – 25, 2005,
- “The Settlement Policy of the CUP (1913-18)”, 4th Workshop For Armenian/Turkish Scholarship (WATS), Salzburg, Austria, April 15-17, 2005.
- “Un Essai de Comparaison : Les Minorités dans les Recensements Ottomans et Turcs”, Place et rôle des statistiques de population en situation post-coloniale, INED (Institut National d’Études Démographiques) Paris, December 8-9, 2004.
- “Turkey: Towards Post-nationalism?”, Basel University-Department of Islamic Studies/Europa institut and Department of History, Basel, Switzerland, October 14-16, 2004.
Book Reviews
- Reşat Kasaba, A Moveable Empire : Ottoman Nomads, Migrants, and Refugees, University of Washington Press, Seattle [etc.], 2009, x, 194 p., Nationalities Papers, 39/3, 2011,
- Taner Akçam’ın Son Kitabı Vesilesiyle “%10 Katliam” Sorunu-“Ermeni Meselesi Hallolunmuş” Mudur?, Toplumsal Tarih, (174) 2008, 79-83.
- “ Génocide Arménien: Le scénario ”, interview with François Georgeon, L’Histoire, 341 (April 2009), 8-21.
- “ Türklestirme Bir Matematik Operasyon idi ”, interview with G.B. Dinç, Yeni Aktüel, 161, August 9, 2008, 44-48.
- “ İttihatçıların Türkleştirme Politikaları ”, interview with Yağmur Elikirik, August 1, 2008, Radikal Kitap.
- “ İttihat-Terakki'nin Etnisite Mühendisliği ”, interview with Talin Suciyan, Agos, April 7, 2007. Translated in English and French.
- “ Turkey in transition ”, interview with Yiannis Kanakis, Eleutherotipia-Athene, July, 7 – 22, 2007.
- “ Türk-İslam Olmayan Hedefteydi ”, interview with Ertuğrul Mavioğlu, Radikal, February 18, 2006.
Newspaper Articles
- “ İttihatçı tez: Kürtlerin Türkmenliği ”, Radikal 2, September, 5, 2007.
- “ İttihatçıların bile dile getirmediği tez: Alevi Kürtlerin Ermeniliği ”, Radikal 2, September 7, 2007.
- “ 24 Nisan Nedir ”, Radikal, April 23, 2006.
- “ 1913-1918 İttihatçı Planı ”, Radikal 2, Septembre 18, 2005.
Projects Accomplished
Forced Migration and Conflict in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (1908-1947), MIREKOC - Koç University Research Project 2008-2009