jeudi, janvier 16, 2025 |
10:00 am |
Atelier doctoral - L'état de l'art et de la bibliographie de thèse : Franchir le Bosphore et circuler à Istanbul : infrastructures de transport, discontinuités et fabrique ordinaire de la villeEn français Atelier réservé aux chercheurs et chercheurs associés de l'IFEA Alice Moret (ENS Lyon) présentera sa thèse : " L'état de l'art et de la bibliographie de thèse : Franchir le Bosphore et circuler à Istanbul : infrastructures de transport, discontinuités et fabrique ordinaire de la ville". |
1:30 pm |
Atelier compétence - Préparer un CV analytique pour les concours de l'ESREn français
6:00 pm |
Seminar - Sexual Contract, Honor and Masculinity in the Ottoman SocietyIn English Hybrid Event Registration in person (before 2:00 pm on January 14 )
Organised by Şeyma Afacan (Kırklareli University, Asst. Prof. / IFEA)
Başak Tuğ (Bilgi University) Sexual Contract, Honor and Masculinity in the Ottoman Society
This talk is going to concentrate on honor in legal discourse and practice as a sexual contract between the Ottoman state and male subjects. Gender hierarchies knitted with age and class hierarchies in patriarchal societies make the female body and her sexuality the repository of honor for the male family and community members. Thus, restoring honor becomes a matter of “self-defense” for male members of society, generally in the form of private restoration. there has been an increasing claim of the Ottoman political power on protecting its subjects’ honor concerning sexual violence in the petitionary correspondence between the state and the subjects since the eighteenth century. Yet, the modern state, in fact, served as the gatekeeper of the patriarchal moral order in its attempt to create a superior and legitimate position over the other powerholders. What we see in the nineteenth century is the codification of a new constitutional relationship between the state and the male subjects with a heavy stamp of honor over women’s sexuality.
7:00 pm |
Archaeology Seminar - Town and Country in Medieval Cappadocia: The View from Endowment Deeds and RecordsIn English Online
Organised in partnership with ODTÜ METU (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi), Sorbonne Université and Orient & Mediterranée. Organisers: Burcu Erciyas ( Middle East Technical University) and Maxime Durocher (Sorbonne Université)
Oya Pancaroğlu (Boğaziçi University) - Town and Country in Medieval Cappadocia: The View from Endowment Deeds and Records