Dejanirah COUTO
contact : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.Dejanirah Couto studied first in Portugal, where she got a BA in History, and then in France where she obtained a second BA in History and Physical Geography. She also holds two MA’s, one in Historical Geography of Asia Minor (University of Paris-I Panthéon Sorbonne) and the other on late Byzantine history (University of Toulouse-II) as well as a french Ph.D thesis in Byzantine History (8e-13e centuries), (University of Toulouse –II, 1979), and an Habilitation à diriger des recherches in Early Modern History obtained from the University of Paris X-Nanterre where she presented an additional thesis on the history of the portuguese presence in the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean in the 16th century (2006). She studied arab (Maghreb) in the University of Lisbon and Turkish at the National School of Oriental Studies in Paris (INALCO) as well as in Istanbul. She joined the University of Paris III-Sorbonne-Nouvelle in 1982, where she still teaches history of medieval, modern and contemporary Portugal as well as History of Overseas European Expansion and history of pre-colonial and colonial african and South and South-East societies of the former portuguese territories in Africa and Asia.
As a principal position, she is currently teaching (since 1995) at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section des Sciences Historiques et Philologiques (EPHE), Paris (chair of « Methods in History of the Portuguese World ») in the area of Early modern History, History of Overseas European Expansion with a focus on early modern Asia and Portuguese-Ottoman-Safavid interactions in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean (16th - 17th centuries). She has devoted herself to political, social, and diplomatic aspects and has published widely about the Portuguese contacts with the Arabian provinces of the Ottoman empire (Egypt, Arabia, Yemen, Southern Iraq), Oman, the Persian Gulf, Iran (early Safavid period), and India (Gujerat, Bîjâpûr), in the 16th century. She published on a number of subjects related to this geographical and cultural areas (cross-cultural history, diplomacy, cartography, maritime warfare,port-cities and merchant networks, spying networks and cryptography, conversions to Islam, Iberian Jewish communities in the Mediterranean, the Ottoman Empire and the Indian Ocean). She has also developed an interest in travel accounts in the Indian Ocean and is actually involved in a collective editorial project aiming to an annotated edition of the travels of Gemelli Carreri (17th century) in Persia and in the Ottoman Empire. Her current work is centred on Ottoman maritime warfare in the Indian Ocean, especially in the Red Sea, in Oman and the Persian Gulf, and the comparative history of early modern empires.
One time UNESCO consultant in Angola, she coordinated, between 2003 and 2006 the international project Historical Atlas of the Persian Gulf together with the EPHE and the University of Teheran. Member of the advisory board of four International Historical Journals (among them Lusotopie [edited by the Institut d’études Politiques de Bordeaux,Centre d’étude d’Afrique Noire] and e-journal of Portuguese History,[Brown University]), she has been a member of one of the teams of the European Science Foundation, and was involved in international teaching programs and research projects in Europe (University of Dresden) and in Asia (University of Teheran). She is actually a part of the french ANR (National Research Agency) international program on the Indian Ocean (MeDIan) « Génese des représentations, interactions culturelles et formation des savoirs, des périples grecs aux routiers portugais », associating the BNF (Départ. Cartes et Plans), the University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne (Laboratoire de l’Islam Médiéval, CNRS, UMR 8167) the Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée-Jean Pouilloux (University of Lyon 2, CNRS, FR 538) and the University of Reims (Dir. Didider Marcotte). She is a part of sector 2 (Décrire les lieux de l’océan Indien : places portuaires et échanges maritimes) task 4 (Décrire les lieux de l’océan Indien : période arabe, ottomane et portugaise) (dir. Monik Kervran, CNRS, UMR 8167, Islam médieval, and Michel Tuscherer, CEFAS/Sana’a, Aix1-IREMAM), sector 3 (Cartes et figures de l’océan), task 5 (Savoirs cartographiques, entre tradition et innovations) (dir. Catherine Hofmann (BNF) and in sector 4 (Les savoirs sur l’océan Indien dans le processus des mondialisations) task 6 (Les réseaux d’information, les intermédiaires, la circulation des savoirs) (dir. Philippe Beaujard, EHESS/CEMAF and Dejanira Couto, EPHE).
She is also a consultant of Portugal’s FCT research program aiming at publishing the critical edition of the Comentarios de Don Garcia de Silva y Figueroa, (the Spanish ambassador and travelogue to India and Persia dating from the early 17th century).
A member of the French research team associated to the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), EA 4116, Savoirs et Pratiques du Moyen-Âge à l’l’époque moderne, she had been also a member of the URA 1059 EPHE/CNRS - ERS 149 « Centre d’études islamiques et orientales d’histoire comparée », (1981-1998). She was assigned temporarily (2008-2010) as a full time researcher in the CNRS team, UMR 7528 - Mondes iranien et indien. She prepares actually a chapter on the portuguese sources of the Kitab-ıBahriye of Pîrî Reîs (new edition to be provided by Prof. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont (CNRS, Paris).
The coordinator of the EPHE’s Master « Religions, cultures et politiques dans l’Europe moderne et contemporaine » as well as the coordinator of the EPHE’s European Master, in partnership with the Universities of Sevilla, Pisa, Athens, and the ISCTE (Lisbon), she is actually a part of the Evaluation Board of the Ecole Doctorale européenne, programme «Europe and the Invention of Modernity », lead by the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM) of Florence, in partnership with the EPHE, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales of Paris (EHESS), the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Central University of Budapest (CEU) : ( /ITA/bandi/europa-modernita.php) and collaboration of the European University Institute of Florence (EUI), as well as a member of the Evaluation Panel of the Portuguese Universities projects in History of the FCT (Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia) (
She as been also a member of some other international scientific boards, among them, of the Centre des hautes études sur l’Afrique et l’Asie modernes (CHEAM) later Institut des hautes études en relations internationales (IHEI) of the University of Paris II -Panthéon-Assas.
She organised and co-organised a number of international conferences and seminars, and is currently the organiser of the annual seminar « Ottoman Seas » in Ottoman Maritime History at the Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes in Istanbul (, and the the co-organiser of two other exterior annual research seminars, promoted by the Ecole-Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) and the Centre Culturel Calouste Gulbenkian of Paris and with the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne CEMAf - Centre d'études des mondes africains and the Laboratoire Islam médiéval/ UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée (
As a supervisor of a number of MA and Ph.D theses at the EPHE and several other universities abroad, and member of Ph.D and habilitation à diriger des recherches jurys, she has taught extensively in doctorate research seminars in Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, India, Brazil and Angola and participated extensively in conferences and congresses in Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Italy, France, Belgium, the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Bahreïn, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Angola, and the USA.
She was awarded the Palmes Academiques from the French Republic in 2008
Dejanirah Couto Portekiz’in Lizbon şehrinde doğdu. Üniversite eğitimini tarih ve coğrafya alanında önce Lizbon daha sonra Fransa’da Toulouse ve Paris şehirlerinde tamamladı. İki tarih Masterı derecesi aldı. Bunlardan biri ve doktorasını Bizans tarihi üzerine yaptı. Doktora derecesini Sorbonne Üniversitesi’nde aldıktan sonra Paris III Sorbonne Üniversitesi’nde ve yine Sorbonne Üniversitesi’ndeki Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes’de İmparatorlukların karşılaştırmalı tarihi, 16.-17. Yüzyıl Avrupa tarihini ve Hint Okyanusu tarihi üzerine dersler verdi. 2006’da Osmanlı İmparatorluğu-Avrupa ilişkileri üzerine yaptıı çalışmayla Profesörlük ünvanını aldı. Dejanirah Couto’nun uzmanlık alanları arasında, denizcilik tarihi ve 16. Yüzyıl Portekiz-Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ilişkileri sayılabilir. Kendisi halen Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes’de ders vermektedir. 8 kitabı ve yaklaşık 90 tane makalesi yayınlanmış, Brown Üniversitesi Portekiz çalışmaları online dergisi dhil olmak üzere toplam 5 uluslararası hakemli dergi bilimsel komitesinde yer almaktadır. Profesör Couto ayrıca Avrupa Birliği, Güney Avrupa araştırma projelerini değerlendirme komitesidir.
Publications récentes (extrait)
La liste exhaustive est disponible en annexe
Ouvrages :
- Histoire de Lisbonne. Paris : Fayard, 2000, 382 p.
- [trad. portugaise : História de Lisboa, Lisbonne : Gótica, 2003, 11ème éd. 2010].
Participation à des ouvrages collectifs :
- « Le Viaggio scritto per un comito veneziano et la descriptio peregrinationis Georgii Huzti : quelques témoignages sur les équipages de l’expédition de Hadim Süleyman Pasa dans l’océan Indian (1538) » Études en l'honneur de Jean-Louis Bacqué Grammont, Michele Bernardini et Alessandro Taddei, Eurasian Studies, VIII (2010), p.77-96.
- Ormuz 1507-1622. Conquista e Perda, Lisbonne : Tribuna da História, 2007, 127 p. (en collaboration avec M. Rui M. Loureiro, professeur à l’Universidade de Macao et à l’Universidade Lusíada), (p.1-64).
- Atlas historique du golfe Persique (XVIème-XVIIIèrne siècles) / Historical Atlas of the Persian Gulf / Târîhî Halig Fâris (Dejanirah Couto, Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, Mahmoud Taleghani, (éds.) (coord. Zoltàn Biedermann, avec des contributions de Patrick Gautier Dalché & Elio Brancaforte), [Université de Téhéran, Centre de recherche et de documentation d’Iran, École pratique des hautes études, Paris], Tumhout : Brepols, 2006, 490 p.
- Harp ve Sulh. Avrupa ve Osmanlilar, Istanbul : Kitapyayinevi, 2010, 424 p., (introduction, p. 1- 45.)
- Empires Eloignés : L’Europe et le Japon, XVIe-XIXe siècles (avec François Lachaud), Paris : Éd. EFEO, col. Thématique, 2010. (Introduction, p.1-23, avec François Lachaud).
- Revisiting Ormuz. Portuguese interactions in the Persian Gulf Region in the Early Modern Period, (Avec Rui M. Loureiro), Série Maritime Asia 19, Wiesbaden : Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2008 (Introduction, p.1-8, avec Rui Loureiro).
- Cartographie historique du golfe Persique, (avec Mahmoud Taleghani et Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont), Téhéran : Institut Français de recherche en Iran (IFRI), 2006.
Articles (à paraître):
- « La forteresse de Masqat d’après la relation d’ambassade de D. Garcia de Silva y Figueroa (1617) » Portuguese Interactions with Persia during the Iberian Union (1580-1640) : the « Comentarios » by D.Garcia de Silva y Figueroa (1580-1640), Lisbonne : CHAM/Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- « Contribution of Portuguese Narrative Sources to the History of Qal’at al- Bahrein - Some Information on the Expeditions of 1521 and 1529 », 20th Years of Bahrein Archaeology -1986-2006, Bahrein : Ministery of Culture and Information, French Archaeological Mission in Bahrein.
Articles publiés :
- « Les festins à la cour de Châh Ismâ‘îl safavide vus par les ambassadeurs portugais de la première moitié du XVIe siècle : Fernão Gomes de Lemos (1515) et Baltasar Pessoa (1523) », La Fête au palais: Banquets, parures et musique en Orient. (Actes du colloque organisé par l'Institut du Proche-Orient Ancien du Collège de France la Société Asiatique et le CNRS (UMR 7192) les 29 mai et 30 mai 2007 Paris – Collège de France), J.-M. Durand et A. Jacquet (éds.), Cahiers de l'Institut du Proche-Orient ancien 2, Paris : Editions Jean Maisonneuve, 2010, p. 65-80.
- « Portuguese-Ottoman Rivalry in the Persian Gulf in the Mid-Sixteenth Century : the Siege of Ormuz,1552 », Acta Iranica. Portugal, the Persian Gulf and Safavid Persia, Rudi Mathee and Jorge Flores (éds.), Freer Gallery of Art &Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Iran Heritage Foundation, Louvain : Peeters, 2011, p.145-175.
- « Les missions diplomatiques portugaises en Perse dans la première moitié du XVe siècle- Les audiences de Miguel Ferreira (1514) et de Fernão Gomes de Lemos (1515) à la cour de Châh Esma‘îl safavide », Paroles de négociateurs. L’entretien dans la pratique diplomatique de la fin du Moyen Âge à la première guerre mondiale, Stefano Andretta, Marie-Karine Schaub, Jean-Claude Waquet et Christian Windler (éds.), Rome : Ecole française de Rome, 2010, p.109-132. (version courte, 60.000 caractères).
- « Algumas Notas sobre a Questão dos Colaboradores dos Portugueses no Estado da India (séculos XVI e XVII) », Contrabandista entre Mundos Fronterizos. Hommage au Professeur Hugues Didier, (Delphine Tempère, Nicolas Balutet, Paloma Otaola (éds.)), Paris : Editions Publibook, 2010, p.275-294.
- « Les missions diplomatiques portugaises en Perse dans la première moitié du XVe siècle. Les audiences de Miguel Ferreira (1514) et de Fernão Gomes de Lemos (1515) à la cour de Châh Esma‘îl safavide », Anais de História de Além-Mar, X (2010), p.279-310 (version longue, 100.000 car.)
- « Melancolia de Lisboa », Colóquio-Letras, 174 (2010), p.117-123.
- « Quelques observations sur la cartographie nautique portugaise du XVIe siècle », Visualisierung und Kultureller Transfer, Jens Baumgarten et Kirsten Kramer (éds.), Wirtzburg : Königshausen & Neumann, 2010, p. 275-297.
- « Hormuz under the Portuguese Protectorate : some Notes of the Maritime Economic Nets to India (early 16th century) », Aspects of the Maritime Silk Road : from the Persian Gulf to the East China Sea, Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010, p. 43-60.
- « Naval Battles Between Turks and Portuguese in the Indian Ocean in 1554 according to New Portuguese and Spanish Sources », International Turkish Sea Power History Symposium: The Indian Ocean and the Presence of the Ottoman Navy in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Istanbul: Naval Training and Education Command, 2009, p. III - 32-42.