La gestion des migrants dans la région égéenne durant la crise migratoire de 2015 : une approche politico-économique

La gestion des migrants dans la région égéenne durant la crise migratoire de 2015 : une approche politico-économique

Intervention en turc

Organisé par l’Axe AMiMo de l'IFEA en collaboration avec l’Association pour les recherches sur les migrations (GAR)

Dr. Dila Algan Tezcan (Université Kültür d'Istanbul)

The arrival of nearly 1 million irregular migrants from Turkey to the Greek Islands in the summer of 2015 has been called the migrant crisis/refugee crisis by the European Union Member States. The actors in the Aegean region affected by the 2015 migrant crisis, Turkey, Greece, and the European Union tried to manage this crisis within the framework of regional and bilateral agreements. This paper will focus on regional migration management in the Aegean region throughout the 2015 migrant crisis and will bring a political economic approach to migration management. Migration management processes in the Aegean region have changed and developed intensely after the 2015 migrant crisis. Among these processes, two main migration management tools, border management and externalization of migration management, came to the forefront. Therefore, the implementation of these migration management tools with the cooperation of the state and the private sector played an active role in the instrumentalization of migrants as a political and commercial bargaining chip. In this paper, public-private partnership in migration management processes in the Aegean region will be discussed with a political economic approach.
For this, firstly, the migration management policies in the Aegean region will be elaborated. Then, the political economy of migration management in the Aegean region during the 2015 crisis will be stressed through border management and the externalization of migration management. Finally, within the scope of migration management, the effects of border policies and externalization of migration management on migrants will be discussed.


Dila Algan Tezcan has a PhD of International Relations. She received her undergraduate degree from Galatasaray University, Department of Political Science in 2012. She completed her master’s degree in University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Department of Geopolitics in 2013. She obtained her PhD in International Relations program from Marmara University in 2022. She has conducted researches on
International Migration, Border Studies, Globalization, and Critical Geopolitics.



Date de l'événement 23/02/2023 6:30 pm
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