Workshop - ANTIOCH Memoirs of a city and Its people

Workshop - ANTIOCH Memoirs of a city and Its people

En anglais

En ligne

Organisé en partenariat avec l'université de Bilkent, l'université de Koç et l'université de Haccetepe

In light of the recent devastating earthquake that struck ten cities in Turkey on 6th of February, our collaborative effort aims  to organize a workshop aiming to commemorate the city of Antioch.  The prospective workshop aspires to pay tribute to the city and its people by remembering its past, grieving its present, and welcoming its future. It further hopes to bring together young scholars and students alike to discover the city and its premodern history, and also to encourage them for future studies concerning the city of Antioch.


Date de l'événement 05/05/2023 5:00 pm
Places Illimitée
Inscrit.e.s 2
Lieu Zoom meeting

Les inscriptions pour cet événement sont closes.

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