Mobilité Turquie-France

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, en partenariat avec l'FEA, propose des aides à la mobilité pour des séjours en France de 2 à 3 mois aux chercheur.e.s postdoctorant.e.s turc.que.s ayant soutenu leur thèse en SHS à partir de 2016.


La bibliothèque et l'atelier de cartographie sont ouvert sur rendez-vous

Lundi 14 décembre 2015 à 18h à l'IFEA
Sophie Richter-Devroe (Université d'Exeter)
Intervention en anglais

Gender and Settler Colonialism: Women's Oral Histories in the Naqab

The Naqab Bedouin have faced - historically and today - various Israeli settler-colonial practices and discourses aimed at erasing their status as natives of the land. Israeli representations of the Naqab Bedouin often stereotype them as roaming nomads without any links (and consequently rights) to the land or to other Palestinian communities. Naqab Bedouin women's oral and embodied traditions constitute an important challenge to such settler-colonial representations. Women's songs, oral poetry and performances contain important historical counter-narratives, and they also function as embodied systems of learning, teaching, storing, and, to a certain extent, transmitting this community's indigenous memories, knowledges and ways of being.

This research project is funded through an Early Career AHRC Fellowship:

The presentation will include the screening of the project's documentary film "ISLAM'S WEDDING...and other Bedouin Stories from the Naqab" (filmmaker Yiannis Kanakis). The film focuses on music and dance, as well as other types of oral and embodied performances. It uses these cultural productions as a lens through which to trace and better understand the ways in which Bedouin men and women deal with, negotiate and resist settler-colonial impositions and encroachments on their lives.