30/11/2023 8:30 am
Interventions en anglais
En hybride
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Lieu: ANAMED Auditorium, İstiklal Caddesi No: 181 Merkez Han 34433 Beyoğlu/İstanbul
L’événement est réalisé en partenariat avec le SRII, le musée du Louvre, Bilkent University, l’institut GABAM de Koç University, l’institut KUDAR de Koç University et avec le soutien de l’institut ANAMED de Koç University, la fondation IPLI et du laboratoire d’études sur les rhétoriques.
Titre de la conférence : Black Sea crossings. Maritime networks from Hellenistic to Byzantines times
30 November 2023
9h15-9h45: Opening talks
Session 1 : Harbor Facilities
Chairwoman : Dominique KASSAB TEZGÖR (Bilkent University)
9h45-10h05 : Alexandre BARALIS (Musée du Louvre) and Dimitar NEDEV (Archaeological Museum of Sozopol)
The Two Ports of Heraclea and Apollonia Pontica: Reflections About the Diffusion in the Black Sea of an Aegean Model
10h10-10h30 : Claire BARAT (Polytechnique University of Hauts-de-France)
Sinope Harbours and Hinterland Connections
10h35-10h55 : Serkan GEDUK (Archaeological Museum of Kocaeli)
Kerpe Underwater Excavation and Research
Coffee break
11h10-11h30 : Nayden PRAHOV (Sozopol Underwater Archaeology Centre, Bulgarian Ministry of Culture)
Ancient Harbour Facilities along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast (Bizone, Mesambria and Apollonia Pontica)
11h35-11h55 : Şahın YILDIRIM (Bartın University)
Recent Underwater Researches at the Roman Harbour and Around in Tios -Tieion
12h00-12h15: Q&R
Session 2 : Ships and Shipwrecks
Chairman : Alexandre BARALIS (Musée du Louvre)
14h00-14h20 : Michael JONES RICE (Koç University)
The Yenikapı Shipwrecks and Byzantine Seafaring on the Black Sea
14h25-14h45 : Ahmet BILIR (Düzce University)
Calpe Harbor Underwater Excavations: Examination of Amphorae
Coffee break
14h50-15h10 : Yana MOROZOVA (Marburg University)
Ancient Maritime Networks of the Northern Black Sea. An Overview of Underwater Archaeological Sites
15h25-15h45 : Pierre POVEDA (Centre Camille Jullian/CNRS), Giulia Boetto (Centre Camille Jullian/CNRS) and Sergey V. OLKHOVSKIY (Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of science)
The Naval Ship of Phanagoria (1st c. BCE, Taman Peninsula): Interpretation and First Hypothesis of Reconstruction
15h50-16h05 : Q&R
1 December 2023
Session 3 : Amphorae, Other Productions and Networks
Chairwoman : Anaïs LAMESA (French Institute for Anatolian Studies)
9h30-9h50 : Ayşe Fatman EROL (Hacı Bayram Veli University)
Maritime Commercial Connections of Fatsa/Cıngırt Kayası in the light of Colchis and Sinopean Amphorae
9h55-10h15 : Dominique KASSAB TEZGÖR (Bilkent University) and Nino INAISHVILI (Niko Berdzenishvili Institute of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University)
Jug-Amphorae in the mid-Byzantine Period: Production and Circulation
10h20-10h45 : Franck PRÊTEUX (Paris-Sorbonne University)
Close the Gateway. Political, legal and economic implications of stopping maritime trade in the Bosporus strait by Byzantium in the Hellenistic period
Coffee break
11h00-11h20 : Beste TOMAY (University of Akdeniz)
Evaluation of the Commercial Relations between Andriake and the Black Sea Region in the Light of Amphorae
11h25-11h45 : Sylvie Yona WAKSMAN (ArAr, CNRS)
About the Circulation of Pottery in the Black Sea in the Middle and Late Byzantine Periods: A View from Archaeological Science
11h50-12h05 : Q&R
Session 4 : Early Medieval Interactions
Chairwoman : Tonicha MAE UPHAM (Institute of Historical Research)
14h00-14h20 : Rossina KOSTOVA (St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo), Preslav PEEV (Institute of Oceanology, BAS, Varna), Galin PETROV (St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo)
Land-sea Interaction Along the Southern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Interdisciplinary Approach
14h25-14h45 : Thorir Jonsson HRAUNDAL (Iceland University)
Ninth to Eleventh Century Arabic Geographical Accounts on Vikings in the Black Sea
Coffee break
14h50-15h10 : Monica WHITE (University of Nottingham)
The Rus and the Black Sea
15h25-15h45 : Selim KARAGÖZ (Aksaray University)
Interaction Between Turks and Scandinavians Around the Black Sea during the Viking Age as a Historiographical Issue
15h50-16h05 : Q&R