Calendriers des événements

lundi. 06 juin, 2022 - dimanche. 12 juin, 2022
Semaine 23
mardi. 07 juin, 2022
6:00 pm

Compulsory Guesthood, Social Cohesion, and the Politics of Hospitality in Turkey


Dr. Elif Babül

Séminaire Enjeux contemporains des migrations
Organisé conjointement par GAR et l'axe aMiMo de l'IFEA

Intervention en anglais

This talk explores hospitality as a key discursive framework for refugee management in Turkey by focusing on how the rhetoric of host-guest relations are operationalized at the official level to represent, interpret, and problematize the current state of affairs regarding the Syrian refugees, as well as to formulate policies for solving those problems. Host-guest metaphors are used to assert power and leverage both domestically and internationally by exerting sovereign control over a post-imperial nation-space, performing neo-imperial guardianship over the downtrodden (especially within the Muslim umma), and claiming an ethno-religious, civilizational morality that exceeds the legalistic logic of human rights and entitlements.

jeudi. 09 juin, 2022
11:00 am

Atelier doctoral - "Participation politique non conventionnelle et dilemmes de la démocratie libérale au 21ème siècle en Turquie"


 Unconventional political participation and the dilemmas of liberal democracy in 21st Century in Turkey

Presentation in English

Ekin İlke Keleşoğlu est actuellement doctorante à l'EHESS en mention Etudes Politiques sous la direction de Marc Aymes et Cem Özatalay pour sa thèse intitulée "Participation politique non conventionnelle et dilemmes de la démocratie libérale au 21ème siècle en Turquie" depuis 2018.

Ekin İlke Keleşoğlu's research aims to analyze the policy-influencing methods of rights-based organizations in the context of unconventional political participation in contemporary Turkey. By implementing interviews with gender organizations, trade unions, platforms, human rights organizations; the study focuses on alternative forms of political participation with the point of view that modern democracy remains insufficient on providing active participation tools against increasing social demands. In this scope, Keleşoğlu's research aims to conduct an in-depth study of contemporary forms of political participation in the case of Turkey with the following research questions:
How does political participation take place and what are the alternative forms of participation beyond voting? What are the organizational tools and methods for influencing politics? To what extent can unconventional forms of political participation influence politics?

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samedi. 11 juin, 2022
4:00 pm


Institut français

Hommage à Jean Rouch à l’Institut français Istanbul
Jean Rouch en France, en Amérique, en Iran et en Italie

Organisé en partenariat avec l'Institut français d'études anatoliennes


Samedi 11 juin
16h00 Chronique d’un été (1961, 86 min) de Jean Rouch et Edgar Morin
19h00 Persian Tales, Jean Rouch in Iran (2015-18, 56 min) de Mina Rad

Dimanche 12 juin
16h00 Moi, un noir (1958, 73 min) de Jean Rouch
19h00 L’énigme de Jean Rouch à Turin, chronique d’un film raté (2017, 90 min) de Marcodi Castri, Daniele Pianciola et Paolo Favaro
            Jean Rouch en Amérique (2022, 26 min) de Mina Rad

Rencontres avec les réalisateurs en présentiel et en ligne sur Zoom

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